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ReRooted: creating the conditions for young people to thrive

ReRooted: creating the conditions for young people to thrive

March 24, 2023 | Programmes

Growing staff capacity to support young people’s mental health

Growing staff capacity to support young people’s mental health

This month, we launched a new programme designed to build staff capacity to support young people who have experienced trauma and challenges with their mental health.

The programme – ReRooted – aims to develop staff confidence, knowledge and skills in working with young people on positive mental health and wellbeing. Ultimately, the aim is to empower staff in supporting young people to put down strong roots and grow into fruitful, thriving futures – regardless of their past experiences.

Meeting the needs of our network

In our Big Questions surveys, young people have consistently told us that they would like better support with their mental health, and we also hear frequently reports from Foyer staff that they lack the confidence and knowledge to respond to this need. 65% of young people in Foyers report experiencing mental health challenges – much higher than the annual population average.

The programme is informed by best practice from across the sector and research conducted by our peers. We also consulted with 64 people from 25 of our member Foyers to shape ReRooted to ensure it meets both the realities of day-to-day Foyer life and the ambitions of staff and young people.

How will ReRooted work?

We’ll get started with a residential for staff in the learning cohort in June 2023 packed with training, best practice sharing and peer learning. There will be regular events and opportunities throughout the year to deepen learning, share experiences and shape the future of the programme. If your service can’t commit to joining the learning cohort, don’t worry – there will be other opportunities to engage as the programme develops.

In August/early September, young people will be invited to attend a residential to meet with other Foyer residents and learn ways to support their own wellbeing that they can share with peers. They will also receive funding and support to lead on their own wellbeing project within their service.

Sign up by 5th May to join our learning cohort!

We’ve space for two members of Foyer staff from each service to join the ReRooted learning cohort. Visit our webpage to find out more!