Power Pioneers: what have we learned so far?
Power Pioneers: what have we learned so far?
The Power Pioneers programme is returning for its third year! Supporting young people to develop their confidence and speak up on issues they care about, Power Pioneers will provide the tools, resources and training to make their voices heard and help them create positive change in the world.
Ahead of the relaunch we spoke to participants and staff who’ve previously been involved to understand how to shape the programme going forwards. These conversations have inspired the development of three core components: Grow, Connect and Amplify. Power Pioneers relaunches on Wednesday 9th May and will run for six months from June-Nov 2023.
“We have loads of ideas but sometimes struggle to know how to turn those ideas into a reality.” A Power Pioneer
Young people want to make a positive difference in their communities. However, we know that young people who can’t live at home don’t always have access to resources that nurture their voice or grow their knowledge, confidence or ability. Power Pioneers aims to support young people to identify what they care most about, develop the skills to call for change and provide opportunities to have their voice meaningfully heard.
During the interviews young people often told us of the joy and empowerment they felt when they were able to connect with like-minded peers who shared similar experiences of living in a Foyer. The Power Pioneers programme will give young people the opportunity to connect with each other, build friendships and work together towards finding solutions to the issues they care about.
Young people told us that, as well as practical skills and experiences, they need a platform from which their voice can be heard. Power Pioneers aims to support young people to grow their confidence in speaking up, putting them at the forefront of discussions about issues that affect them. Power Pioneers ‘staff champions’ will be supported to act on young people’s ideas and find innovative ways to amplify voices of young people in their service. During the consultation process we’ve been really inspired by the honesty young people have shown, giving valuable feedback on what went well and what we can improve about Power Pioneers for next time.