Fellowship for Leaders: Self-care and Resilience
Fellowship for Leaders: Self-care and Resilience
Last week, we held the second of our three Fellowship for Leaders residentials focused on self care and resilience.
Last week, we held the second of our three Fellowship for Leaders residentials, this time focusing on developing the inner strength it takes to handle whatever your leadership journey throws at you.
The lush, green setting of Folly Farm near Bristol was perfect for getting some headspace and reflecting on skills and practices that build resilience, both in leaders themselves and within their teams.
Rob Dean from Your Housing Group unpacked the ideas from renowned book The Chimp Paradox. Our Fellows learned about the different areas of the brain, explored their own reactions to different situations and reflected on how to control those more emotional responses to maximise their own impact.
Sue Keogh delivered an engaging workshop about developing resilience, focusing on key concepts like positivity, self-esteem and change management. Finally, we explored burnout, how it presents in different people, and what the causes are, as well as some ways to prevent it or minimise it.
Each of our three action learning sets had two opportunities to present, and to help each other explore ongoing issues more broadly.
Between residentials, the Fellows each have a personal coach who works with them in one-to-one sessions on their personal leadership development. This ensures each experience is tailored personally to each individual’s needs, and helps them to implement ideas and techniques consistently in their practice.
Our next residential will be held in Hoddesdon early next year. We look forward to seeing our Fellows again!