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Are you being listened to? Survey 2020

Are you being listened to? Survey 2020

February 21, 2020 | Young People

Young people tell us how well they feel they’re listened to in youth supported housing services.

Our 2019-2020 Power Up programme, funded by The Listening Fund, has come to a close. Through two residentials, 14 talent bond awards and a panel of young people sharing their views, we’ve learned a great deal about what young people love about their Foyers, what they’d change, and how they want to be involved in the discussions and decisions that affect them.

To end the programme, The Listening Fund requested responses from young people to a survey in December and January. We’ve collated the results into an infographic. Thanks to everyone who responded!

An infographic showing the results of the Foyer Federation's 2020 survey.

An infographic showing the results of the Foyer Federation's 2020 survey.

An infographic showing the results of the Foyer Federation's 2020 survey.