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Accreditation success!

Accreditation success!

Accreditation success! Six Foyers shine bright in our recent panel review

Accreditation success! Six Foyers shine bright in our recent panel review

In July, six of our member Foyers had their annual reviews with our accreditation panel. They highlighted some of the great work and positive changes the Foyers are making on their quality development journey. Here we take a look at some of the inspiring details from the panel’s review, demonstrating each Foyer’s dedication to offer quality supported housing services to young people.

For another year, three Foyers received the highest rating of ‘Operationally and Strategically Strong’:

  • Newhaven Foyer (SAHA) was praised for its innovative approach to creating a supportive and nurturing environment for its residents, including meaningful involvement of young residents in decision-making, a review of pay scales for the team and ensuring good staffing levels in the service.
  • On-Route Foyer (CHADD) excelled in education and employment, maintaining performance above the national average. Our panel also noted the team’s proactive and evidence-based approaches, which include investing in youth leadership, increasing staff capacity and launching new projects.
  • Sheffield Foyer (Guinness Partnership) stood out for its collaboration with the wider housing association in providing homes for young people who secured employment, addressing the challenge of finding suitable move-on accommodation and making it affordable for young people to work.

To continue serving the needs of their young people effectively, it is important for these Foyers to maintain their innovative and inclusive practices and their impact-focused approaches.

Three other Foyers also had a positive panel review experience:

  • YMCA Derbyshire Foyer maintained their ‘Strategically Strong and Operationally Secure’ status, demonstrating a commitment to the Foyer approach through initiatives such as the recruitment of a Youth Voice post and the implementation of new programmes to enhance outcomes. Notably, the Foyer has taken resident feedback into account and made strides towards an accommodation project that will benefit its residents.
  • Bodmin and Redruth Foyers (LiveWest) have also improved their engagement, earning a rating of ‘Strategically Developing and Operationally Developing’ from the panel. The management teams’ dedication to supporting young people and implementing service improvements bodes well for securing a higher rating in their next accreditation.

These achievements all serve as a testament to the resilience and dedication of the Foyers in providing a stable and impactful environment for their young residents.

Find out more about quality development and accreditation

FOR Youth is our nationally recognised quality development and accreditation programme. Foyers who achieve endorsement and accreditation through our FOR Youth framework are demonstrating that their service invests in an Advantaged Thinking approach to young people’s assets and potential. If you’d like to know more about becoming an accredited service please visit our website or drop us a line at [email protected].